Spare parts for heat pump  BP160HS

Spare parts for heat pump BP160HS


Spare parts for heat pump BP100HS

Spare parts for heat pump BP160HS

Availability: Out of stock

Speareparts heat Pump BP160HS

1 - XW160HSI001A - Griglia protezione ventilatore / Fan protection net
2 - XW160HSI002A - Pannello Anteriore Sinistro / Front panel Left

2a - XW160HSI002B - Pannello Anteriore destro / Front panel Right
3 - XW50HSI003B - Copertura display H2 / Control panel Cover
4 - XW50HSI004A - Display / Wire Controller
5 - XW160HSI005A - Guarnizione anti-vibrante / Verge board polyfoam
6 - XW160HSI006A - Pannello Interno / Verge board
7 - XW160HSI007A - Ciruito di Scarico / Exhaut pipe
8 - XW160HSI008A - Valvola 4 Vie / Four Way valve
9 - XW160HSI009A - Compressore BP-160HS / Compressor
10 - XW50HSI010A - Pressostato di massima / High pressure interruptor
11 - XW50HSI011A - Pressostato di minima / Low pressure interruptor
12 - XW50HSI012B - Sensore di flusso tipo F2 / Water flow swich
13 - XW160HSI013A - Circuito di ritiro / Gas retuning pipe
14 - XW160HSI014A - Scambiatore di calore BP-160HS / Titanium heat exchanger
15 - XW50HSI015A - Guarnizione per scambiatore / Rubber water fender
16 - XW160HSI016A - Pannello laterale destro / Right side board
17 - XW160HSI017A - Cavo di Alimentazione / Power cord
19 - XW50HSI019A - Valvola scarico refrigerante / Refrigerant charge valve EXT
19-a - XW50HSI019B - Valvola carico refrigerante / Refrigerant charge valve INT
20 - XW50HSI020A - Manometro / Pressure Manometer
21 - XW50HSI021A - Ghiera / Fast Connection
23 - XW50HSI023A - Valvola Manometro / Mouth of injectiong gas
24 - XW50HSI024A - Morsettiera Alimentazione / Terminal
25 - XW50HSI025A - Nodo per collegamenti / Public Terminal
26 - XW160HSI026A - Quadro Elettrico / Electrical Box
27 - XW50HSI027A - Trasformatore scheda madre / Trasformer Circuit Board
28 - XW50HSI028D - Scheda madre U4 / Circuit Board U4
29 - XW50HSI029A - Sonda temp. Scambiatore lam. / Coper Sensor
30 - XW50HSI030A - Sonda temp. Acqua / Water Sensor
31 - XW50HSI031A - Sonda temp. Ambiente / Ambinet Sensor
32 - XW50HSI032A - Sonda temp. Compressore / Compressor sensor
33 - XW160HSI033A - Condensatore ventilatore / Motor Capacitor
34 - XW160HSI034A - Compressore Compressore BP-160HS / Compressor Capacitor
35 - XW160HSI035A - Pannello Inferiore / Frame
36 - XW160HSI036A - Circuito capillare BP-160HS / Capillary
37 - XW160HSI037A - Griglia prot. scambiatore lam. / Reat net
38 - XW160HSI038A - Scambiatore Laterale BP-160HS / Condenser
39 - XW160HSI039A - Guarnizione Anti-vibrante / Condens. top polyfoam
42 - XW160HSI042A - Pannello Superiore / Top Cover
43 - XW160HSI043A - Supporto Ventilatore / Motor Bracket
44 - XW160HSI044A - Motore Ventilatore BP-160HS / Fan Motor
45 - XW160HSI045A - Ventola / Fan
46 - XW50HSI046A - Scarico Condensa / Drain Tube

47 - XW50HSI047A - Gommini Anti-vibranti / Silent Blocks

48 - XW160HSI048A - Serbatoio Olio / Oil Tank

49 - XW160HSI049A - Relay di avviamento / Start Relay

50 - XW160HSI050A - Condensatore di Avviamento / Start Capacitor

51 - XW160HSI051A - Contatore Ausiliario / A/C Contactor

A richiesta

* - XW100HSI - Imballo / CardBoard Cover BP160HS
1-a  - XW001I - Riduzione / Reduction M-M da 50/38 MM - 2 pcs
* - XW002I - By-pass kit for Heat Pumps

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